Nominations For the Live Music Awards ANNOUNCED

The third annual national live music awards is almost upon us! Tess was joined by Larry Heath, director of the live music awards to announce the NSW nominations, which are as follows:

NSW Awards – Presented by 2SER


Live Act of the Year

Gang of Youths

Hockey Dad

Julia Jacklin


The Presets


Live Voice of the Year

David Leā€™aupepe (Gang of Youths)

Julia Jacklin

Matt Corby

Sarah Blasko

Vera Blue


Live Venue of the Year – Presented by Oztix

Enmore Theatre

Oxford Art Factory

Rad Bar

The Lansdowne



Live Event of the Year


King Street Crawl

Laneway Festival

Splendour in the Grass

Yours & Owls


AAA – All Ages Achievement presented by Music NSW

The AAA Award recognises the achievements of an individual, organisation, band/artist or event who have worked through the red tape and helped make all ages events happen in our state and/or provided opportunities for Under 18s.


Adam Smith (Director, Yours & Owls)

Live and Local 2018 (Live Music Office Initiative)

Mark Gerber (Owner, Oxford Art Factory)

Yabun Festival

Yours & Owls: Under 18s Festival


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