Old Radiothons

This week’s Deep Dive unpacks some of the old reels that have been digitised by Studios 301. There’s over 40 that have been done (with more to go!), and as we go through them we’re finding hints of voices, topics and ideas that are barely labeled (or labeled barely). What’s been fascinating is what people have thought to hit ‘record’ on at the time – including the annual Radiothon (now Subscriber Drives). These give us a great sense of what the station’s priorities and challenges were at particular times in the station’s history. The call outs include announcers, fans, guests and perhaps passers by, but all add to the rich tapestry of the community of 2SER.


Take a listen to some vintage 2ser ratiothon karts here:

Sargent Promo 1985:


The Gay Liberation Choir 1985 (2ser’s 6th anniversary on air):


Keith Jackson (former Managing Director of 2ser) Promo 1985:

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