How 2SER helps Sydney Thrive

Over four decades 2SER has served Sydney as an independent source of news and music. We’re a voice championing social justice with our current affairs and news, we act as a cultural hub for our music, arts, theatre, sustainability communities and many, many more.

We’ve pioneered everything from underground and scene-leading music shows to ground-shifting talks, have won international awards, and helped kick-start the careers of hundreds of journalists and broadcasters.

The station has always been not-for-profit, powered by volunteers from across Sydney.

As we go into a covid-recovery – or a new covid-normal – or whatever is happening, 2SER will be there to help our communities connect and bring new life to our giant city, which is crying out for it.

Of course ‘making radio’ is different to what it meant when we started as trailblazers on the FM spectrum. 2SER is at the forefront of producing audio programs in all its wonderful new ways. Our podcasts are winning awards around the world, our music programs are delivered with passion by experts, DJs and selectors who have dedicated their lives to this stuff. Our newsroom (one of the few truly independent newsrooms left in the country) is pumping out local news every weekday on the hour from 6am – midday with no interference from government, corporate owners or advertisers.

By subscribing to 2SER you become an integral part of our community, which spans four decades and all walks of life. Our subscribers and listeners represent every generation alive on the planet – we’re not a youth station – we’re not an oldies station – we’re a station for everyone who shares our vision of Sydney and the world, who want real information, who want real music.

Your subscription enables us to do all these things. It’s going to be even more important than ever as our city starts to reopen. We know the challenges we were facing even before the pandemic hit and we know how difficult it’s going to be, but with you as part of our team we can do it.

Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your colleagues, we need you to subscribe now more than ever!

All subscribers will receive: 

  • Listening Post Magazine – Special 2020 edition of 2SER’s magazine. 60 pages, full colour – a feast of info about the history of the station and a snapshot of the station right now.
  • New limited edition 2SER bumper sticker
  • Subscriber card
  • Eligibility for on-air and online competitions and giveaways

Passionate and Lifetime Subscribers will also receive a limited edition t-shirt featuring the Radiothon 2020 artwork!

Subscription rates: 

Passionate Subscriber: $160

Standard Subscriber: $80

Concession Subscriber: $40

Lifetime Subscriber: $600



Wednesday 14th of October, 2020

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