Outcomes for NT mums & bubs improve with MGP

In central Australia, Alice Springs hospital covers an area of 1.6 million square kilometres, and for many women, it’s the closest hospital with maternity services. Some women will travel 1000 kilometres just to give birth.

A high proportion of women giving birth in central Australia are Aboriginal, and experience a higher rate of poor maternal and infant health outcomes compared to non-Aboriginal women.

In 2009, the hospital set up a midwifery group practice (MGP) to improve health outcomes for mothers and babies. For women who live close to the practice, they have their own midwife for antenatal care and labour, and the midwife will see the new mum for 6 weeks after the birth.

For women in remote areas they will be referred to the MGP from their local health service, which will liaise with the midwife in Alice until the woman travels to the hospital to give birth.

Bernadette Lack is a registered midwife who has worked in the Alice Springs MGP. She has also researched the impact the practice has had on outcomes for women and babies, with positive results.

Producer: Ellen Leabeater

Find out more in Stacy’s book ROAR, released July 5.
