Are SBRTs a long term solution for dementia care?

Running away, hitting, yelling…. These are all behaviours of an agitated resident with dementia, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult for aged care staff to manage.

While it only affects a small number of people with dementia, it can cause stress for staff that are not trained to deal with severe behaviour.

But help may be on the way.

The Federal Government is set to roll out Severe Behaviour Response Teams in November. The teams of experts will visit residential care facilities struggling with dementia residents, and give advice on how to better manage bad behaviour.

It’s coming at a cost of over $54 million dollars, but is this really a long term solution?

Ellen Leabeater spoke to Lynn Chenoweth, Professor of Aged and Extended Care Nursing at the University of Technology Sydney, to find out more.

Image: Neil Moralee on Flickr.

Thursday 25th of May, 2017
