Just Words – Stories From 18c

Just Words is an investigative series by 2SER 107.3FM, where we go behind the hype and headlines of our race laws and get the true stories from those who have used the racial discrimination act and those that have had it used against them.
Section 18C is the part of the Racial Discrimination Act that makes it illegal to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate someone because of their race. So will removing 18C really give people the right to be bigots?
Host: Nic Healey
Series creator: Anthony Dockrill
Executive Producer: Emma Lancaster
Supervising Producer and Sound Design: Miles Martignoni
Producers: Anthony Dockrill, Ninah Kopel, Jake Morcom, Ellen Leabeater, Emma Lancaster
Produced with:
- Original theme music composed by Joe Koning
- Research and assistance by Miles Herbet, Joe Koning, Taylor Fuller and Cheyne Anderson
- Special thanks to Lawrence Bull and Tim Roxburgh
- Nic Healy