Embark on Virtual Reality Ghost Train Ride at This Year’s Sydney...
This year’s Sydney Festival promises to amaze and delight the audience with cutting edge technology such…
This year’s Sydney Festival promises to amaze and delight the audience with cutting edge technology such…
Sydney Festival kicks off this weekend with a super stacked program. We chatted to Festival Director,…
Sydney Festival has just launched it's season and in this interview with Festival Director Wesley Enoch,…
On tonight you'll hear Tullelah Pearce Program Manager for LIVEWORKS @Carriageworks, presented by Performance Space. Sue…
The Sydney Festival continues to inspire and delight. Last night saw another edition of the Quiet…
This weekend (November 18-20), Critical Path in Rushcutter's Bay will be heading six feet under with…
Acting 2SER Manager Steve Ahern went to see Meow Meow's Little Mermaid as part of The…
2SER's Music Director Andrew Khedoori caught Ethiopia's Hailu Mergia last night at Sydney Festival and popped…
What happens when Finland's Mirel Wagner teams up with with New Zealand's singer and songwriter Nadia…
The Sydney Festival for 2016 has commenced! There is a huge lineup of art, dance and…