The Mill House Murders by Yukito Ayatsuji – Part Two

We’re joined by Brad Friedman of ‘Ah Sweet Mystery‘ to discuss chapters 6-11 of Yukito Ayatsuji’s second outing in his Mansion Murder series. Brad and Herds are convinced they know what the trick is, and how the trick works, but can they figure out why it happened, and to whom? A simple mystery may not be as simple as it seems, as the doom befalling the Mill House draws out further accounts of the past, and the cruel motives of the less murderous crimes.

We also speak with Robert Gott about his latest political satire, ‘Naked Ambition‘. The minister for transport has decided to enter his portrait into the Archibald Prize, but people might get snagged by the large member at eye-height. Thank you to Scribe Publishing for providing copies of the book.

Check out Part One and Part Three here!

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