Wearable trackers help people with chronic health conditions. But there can be a catch.

Wearable trackers and monitors – such as smartwatches – are a big help to people living with chronic health issues. They provide important information on our conditions that we can share with our medical care team.

There can be a catch-22 though: the wearable device helps you manage your chronic condition, but all the stats and alerts can make you anxious – which is bad for that condition.

So what are the trade offs? How can we get the most out of wearables, without unnecessary worry?

Professor Caleb Ferguson, Professor of Nursing, Chronic and Complex Care at Western Sydney Health and Director of Health Innovations at the University of Wollongong joined us on the show.

He talks with us about about the pros and cons of wearable health trackers.


Related Links

Article in The Conversation: ‘Is your smartwatch making you anxious? Wearables can lead people to stress more about their health. 
