Curing HIV

We live in a world that has been irreversibly changed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Scientists pump out safe and effective tests, vaccines, and treatments at seemingly record pace.

HIV is another virus with a permanent footprint on this earth. A Nobel Prize was awarded for its discovery back in the eighties. But in 2021, there is still no cure.

HIV is largely a manageable condition for the nearly 30-thousand Australians living with the virus. Globally, however, it affects 37 million people. Unreliable access to the medication that suppresses the virus leaves many of them at risk.

The theme for World AIDS day this year in Australia is Forty years of HIV.. Where to next?

In this special radio documentary, Josh Green seeks to answer one aspect of this question: when will we have a cure?

Josh asks people living with HIV and researchers if finding a cure still matters, and what we’re doing to create one.


  • Nic Holas, The Institute of Many (TIM)
  • Cipriano Martinez, National Association of People Living With HIV Australia (NAPWHA)
  • Jennifer Power, La Trobe University
  • Jillian Lau, Alfred Hospital, Doherty Institute
  • Peter
Tuesday 30th of November, 2021
