Much T’ado On Basically Nothing – Mardi Gras Edition

We know that COVID has kind of messed with our sense of time, we’re already in March and it still genuinely feel like Christmas was 2 weeks ago. It’s also taken away huge events from us so if you had forgotten, it’s Mardis Gras and they’ve been doing some amazing stuff over the past few weeks to celebrate this amazing Aussie festival. But it’s coming to an end this weekend, so if you haven’t done anything to celebrate it yet, this weekend if ya last chance! We’ve found some cheap or better yet completely free events for ya to check out. The theme of this year’s Mardis Gras is RISE, it’s about coming banding together, celebrating love and helping each other rise up from all the heartache and struggle we’ve all felt from the past year. It’s a great theme and definitely a worthy sentiment to celebrate.


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