Renewable Energy Update: Entering the Terawatt Age

This week Dr. Matt Wright spoke with Jack Gembitsky about the coming age of the Terawatt. 2022 was a record year for the installation of renewable energy, bringing global levels of renewable energy up to 3,372 Gigawatts. For reference the scale of energy looks like this: A Terawatt is equal to a million-million Watts – or two-hundred-million car batteries. A Terrawatt is a thousand times larger than a gigawatt, and one gigawatt can power about 750,000 homes


To learn more about the global solar capacity, check out PV magazine’s report on the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) renewable energy capacity statics for 2023:


The Renewable Energy Update is a regular segment on 2SER, where Dr Matt Wright checks in on the developments happening in the space of renewable energy. To hear more from Dr. Matt just search Renewable Energy Update on the 2SER Website.  
