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50Up Aerial at Sydney Trapeze School

Eleanor Godley from the Friday Daily spoke with Mary Wyer from 50up aerial about challenging yourself to Trapeze, aerial and circus skills for the over 50’s. Mary is putting on a showcase of 50up aerials at the Sydney Trapeze School were the performers are all over the age of 50 years young.

50Up is an innovative project fostering a supportive community of individuals aged 50 and over. Sydney Trapeze School are hosting the inaugural gathering of fabulous people, 50 and up, celebrating energy, creativity and stunning feats possible through aerials and circus arts!  50up hopes to challenge perceptions of aging by empowering participants to achieve fitness and wellbeing goals while breaking stereotypes.

Join us for this first (of hopefully many!) days of many to explore the entry points to the many facets of circus!

When: Sunday September 1st 2024
Where: Sydney Trapeze School, St Peters.
Time: 11:45-1:45pm

For more information go to Sydney Trapeze School

Photo courtesy of Mary Wyer and STS

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