UTS Revue | Pandora: 9 Out Of 10 Gods Hate Her!

The UTS Comedy, Revue and Performance Society (a.k.a. CRAP) have witnessed the highs and lows of the past year – and want to make some comedy about it. Directed by CRAP’s current President Kerim Col and fellow CRAP member Eleni Carydis, with a talented cast of 22 comedic genius, UTS’ 2021 Revue is both a strategic mix of social commentary and good ol’ laugh out loud humour. Both Eleni and Kerim join us in the studio to talk a bit more about the show.

For more information on where to buy tickets. Head over to the Facebook Event and follow CRAP on their socials @crap.uts on Instagram and UTS Comedy, Revue and Performance Society on Facebook.

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