Waste Increase and Plastics

Plastic is everywhere.

From our phones, to our plates as well as  medical packaging, it has been rooted in our lives and hard to reduce their usage. But the main purpose for most of these plastics items are for single use only, and most don’t ever see a second life due to the failure in recycling them.

These items that get lost in the trash or thrown in the street, cause the most damage to our environment and health. This is known as plastic pollution. These plastic items are not only causing major problems in our environment, plastic take hundreds of years to decompose. It has been estimated around 300 million tons of plastic is produced globally and only 10% of it gets recycled per year. The ones lost, are not even accounted for and will take centuries to decompose in our environment.

So why are plastics so hard to decompose?  Ally Laclette a sustainability consultant from Vegware spoke to Myles-Houlbrook Walk about the plastic life and how to make a difference.
