Engaging with art to improve your mood in lockdown

It’s week 14 of lockdown, and a lot of us have managed so far by watching and re-watching our favourite shows on the telly. As comforting as this can be, however, it’s not the most useful coping strategy when it comes to maintaining good mental health. So, what strategies can we take to do this? 

Being creative has long been thought of as a pursuit that benefits the mind, as it can boost our sense of fulfilment and meaning. On top of this though, it can be used as an outlet to cope when life throws us a curveball. Dr Anthony Chmiel recently published research on Australians improving their mood during lockdown using the arts. Anthony is a postdoc who works for the MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development at Western Sydney University. He joins Jarred Cross to chat about some coping strategies we can take to keep the serotonin flowing. 
