Western Audiences’ Critical Reception To Anime Live-Action Adapt...
Anime live-action adaptations are gaining popularity with Netflix recently releasing live-action adaptations of One Piece and…
Anime live-action adaptations are gaining popularity with Netflix recently releasing live-action adaptations of One Piece and…
Japan Expo is on at Sydney Town Hall, Saturday the 18th of November! Japan Expo is…
Japanese-Australian artist Hiromi Tango draws upon the Japanese language of flowers to communicate deeply layered emotions. Hiromi's…
Sake is a key part of the Japanese culinary experience. Today, the 1st of October, is…
Sydney Craft Week is coming up and it’s time to stimulate those creative juices by working…
Architecture in Anime blended lines with fantasy and reality, transforming worlds with hybrid buildings and attracting…
We Sydney-siders are always looking to appreciate cinema from a range of different cultures. It essentially…
Experience theatre and dance like never before with The Japan Foundation’s immersive performing arts event, Machi…
The Sydney Fringe Festival will be hosting the Sydney premiere of the hit show Ghost Jam! Ghost…
Japanese films are popular in today’s society, but what makes them so unique? Soon the Japanese…