The Definitive List Of Best Places To Eat In Sydney

The photo you can see here was taken outside of La Herradura– a Colombian cafe not too far from the 2SER studios. After our interview, Nick Jordan invited there to watch the Copa America semi final match between Colombia and Uruguay. It was hidden around a corner off a main road, and unless you had gone out looking for it, there’s very little chance you would find it. But that was part of the fun! We sat around a TV outside (along with dozens of Colombian fans) watching the match while eating soups and arepas and drinking hot chocolates. And it was an experience that is- at least in my opinion- exactly what Have You Eaten is all about.

Have You Eaten is a guide (found online and as an app) to all of the most authentic and traditional places to eat across Sydney. And it was co-founded by Nick Jordan! Over the course of several years, Nick has been reaching out to communities around the city and asking them where they like to eat. And if it is recommended enough (and is deemed a good addition by Nick), it will make it to the guide. There are all types of places on there- restaurants known for making really good food, local shops that have super cheap snacks, or just cafes that are a nice place to hang out. And while Nick hasn’t personally been to all of these places, you’re almost guaranteed to find something to love about each and every one of them should you visit.

If it isn’t already incredibly clear, I’m a big fan of Have You Eaten and would highly recommend you check it out.

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